Project (En Français)

"Great journeys have something wonderful, 
their enchantment start even before the beginning.
We open the atlas, we dream on world map.
Repeating the beautiful names of unknown cities…" (La vallée des rubis, Joseph Kessel)

A Journey Against Obesity is born 1 year ago while I was working on a research on obesity. I was reading articles and books about the origins of obesity (Poulain, Obesity and sociology) and  its development (Burhosy, Obesity epidemic) to write my graduation research paper (Master 2). While I was doing that I decided to travel the world to study this matter and to raise awareness to the risk.

So let’s go! Today I am starting my “obesity world tour project”.

It is both simple and multiple. I will go around the world (2 and half years) alone to meet people and collect their own vision on obesity. I will use for that a short survey  that I have developed and tested on an obese population. This will allow me to talk with the people about the risks related to obesity. Indeed, an awareness action should take into account the representations of the person. 
To add value to the project I would like to go within the countries in some organizations or universities which are working on obesity. It will allow us to share our experience and our different ways to fight against obesity. I would also be interesting to be present at major national or international events on obesity (Obesity week in the US, the ECO conference in Europe…).

Meanwhile, I want to create a documentary like “Sex around the world” of Philippe Desrosiers including open discussions on the obesity topic. Writing some articles like “Why are we so fat?” (Cathy Newman) could also be considered.

I want to be close to the people and be really immersed in the culture so I will travel mainly on foot and by bus.

In one word, more than a simple world tour I want this project to be a two-way meeting where everyone (including me) will be filled by a new experience.